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  • 專注于進口歐、美、日、韓 機電設備儀器儀表 ,始于2008年

    原裝進口SIEMENS交流電機,HATZ發動機,Europress,美國VORTEC渦流管,英國ROTORY POWER液壓馬達,美國BOSCH葉片泵 ,AQUAMETRO流量計,CEMA 開關、CEMA按鈕,瑞士ABB 進口電機,瑞士CONTOIL流量計,CONTROL TECHNIQUES 伺服電機,EMERSON伺服電機,NIDEC伺服電機,意大利AEG 電機, Marelli Motori電機, LERORY SOEMR電機 等等
    • 產品名稱: BERARMA

    • 產品型號: BERARMA泵
    • 產品廠商:BERARMA
    • 產品文檔:
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    意大利BERARMA 為專業的葉片泵生產廠家。 多個系列, 變量泵規格從流量6cc/rev到200cc/rev,持續工作壓力達到160mpa,工作壓力從15bar到150bar, 法蘭連接,壓力控制器,流量控制器可選。 產品具有使用壽命長,運行平穩,高精度,低噪音等,使用范圍極廣.主要生產 葉片泵 ,閥 ,馬達等。


    BERARMA PVS系列葉片泵:PVS 變量葉片泵
    vane pumps come in four nominal sizes: SIZE 05-1-2-3, each of which is avaible in three different displacements. The PVS low pressure pumps (100 bar) [1450 psi] are equipped with a MECHANICAL pressure regulating device.

    BERARMA PHC系列葉片泵:Pump components include: a body 1,a drive rotor 2 which houses the vanes3, vanes that convey the fluid into the,inlet and outlet chambers; a stator 4.

    BERARMA PHV系列葉片泵:The pump can therefore be converted from PVS to PSP and vice versa without any special modification, using the same standard pump body.

    BERARMA PSP系列葉片泵: PSP variable displacement vane pumps come in three nominal sizes: SIZE 1-2-3, each of which is available in three different displacements.

    BERARMA PSPK系列葉片泵: is continually looking for solutions which would allow it to offer increasingly advanced systems and components to its users.

    BERARMA NRV系列止回閥:The Berarma non-return valves type NRV are made according to SAE J518(3000 series) with BSP thread ports.

    BERARMA GMP系列馬達: BERARMA by searching those solutions which allowt o reduce costs, dimensions, and to simplify the way of application of its own products, has carried out the Motor Pump Integrated Groups, named GMP, with direct drive.


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