專注于進口歐、美、日、韓 機電設備儀器儀表 ,始于2008年
意大利Sesino 百年企業,熱交換器設計,生產專家。冷卻器行業世界**者。
Sesino 冷卻器、風冷油冷卻器、風冷油熱交換器、水冷油熱交換器
直流電機熱交換器 、交流電機熱交換器、帶液壓馬達熱交換器
Sesino風冷油冷卻器,風冷油熱交換器 The air-oil heat exchangers have the cooling element
in aluminium because this material is a very good conductor. The motor
fans can be AC current for machine tool or DC current for mobile machine
We can also supply air oil heat exchanger with hydraulic motor and self
cointained unit。
Sesino水冷油冷卻器,Sesino水冷油熱交換器 Shell and tube heat exchanger from 60 to 200 mm of shell
diameter: not inspectable and inspectable water side coolers and shell
and tube heat exchanger with removable tube bandle.The materials are:
brass and steel for shell and copper and CuNi (sea water) for tubes.
APL 170
APL 240
APL 263
APL 300
APL 300/2
APL 430
APL 430/2
APL 494
APL 580APL 2/463
APL 2/494
APL 2/580ELRO/91261
AP 178
AP 260
AP 300 E
AP 300/2 E
AP 430 E
AP 430/2 E
AP 494 EB
AP 580 EB
AP 680 EB
AP 730 EB
AP 830 EB
AP 2/680 EB
AP 2/730 EB
AP 2/830
AP 3/830 EB
Sesino Self conteined cooling units
Sesino Water side inspectable heat exchanger
Sesino SERIE MS 84 P
Sesino SERIE MS 134 P
Sesino Water side inspectable heat exchanger inside the tank
Serie MS 84 CF
Sesino Not inspectable heat exchanger
Serie T60-80 CB
Serie T60-80 CF
Sesino Heat exchanger with removable tubes bundle
Serie MS152
Serie MS172
Serie MS202
Sesino Brazed plate heat exchanger
Serie MS18
Serie MS25
Serie MS55
Sesino Advantages
- Compact and light unity
- High thermic exchange coefficient thanks to the particular structure of the plates
- High working temperature and pressure
- High corrosion strength (the plates are made of stainless steel)
- Simple installation and repair; it does not need any maintenance
Sesino 附件
SESINO釬焊熱交換器、氣/油冷卻器、電機。 意大利熱交換器、
Ms 84 p1 2SC84P1
Ms 84 p2 2SC84P2
Ms 84 p3 2SC84P3
Ms 84 p4 2SC84P4
Ms 84 p5 2SC84P5
Ms 84 p6 2SC84P6
Ms 84 p7 2SC84P7
Ms 84 p8 2SC84P8
Ms 84 p9 2SC84P9
Ms 84 CF1 2SC84CF1
Ms 84 CF2 2SC84CF2
Ms 84 CF3 2SC84CF3
Ms 84 CF4 2SC84CF4
Ms 84 CF5 2SC84CF5
Ms 84 CF6 2SC84CF6
Ms 84/2 B1 Cu-ni 2SC84/2B1CNA
Ms 84/2 B2 Cu-ni 2SC84/2B2CNA
Ms 84/2 B3 Cu-ni 2SC84/2B3CNA
Ms 84/2 B4 Cu-ni 2SC84/2B4CNA
Ms 84/2 B5 Cu-ni 2SC84/2B5CNA
Ms 84/2 B6 Cu-ni 2SC84/2B6CNA
Ms 84/2 B7 Cu-ni 2SC84/2B7CNA
Ms 84/2 B8 Cu-ni 2SC84/2B8CNA
Ms 84/2 B9 Cu-ni 2SC84/2B9CNA
Sesino Advantages
- Compact and light unity
- High thermic exchange coefficient thanks to the particular structure of the plates
- High working temperature and pressure
- High corrosion strength (the plates are made of stainless steel)
- Simple installation and repair; it does not need any maintenance Sesino